Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Going Green at the office -

I received an email from our office manager today, asking to review our paper 'packages' so that we could eliminate unnecessary paperwork that we don't utilize.

This is a great thing to do on a monthly basis. Review everything that you carry paper for, and ask yourself 'is this really needed'. When I told her to eliminate all three of the items that she sent as examples her response was "great!"

If the question hadn't been asked, how much longer would we have continued to have these pieces of paper hanging around.

Another question that I asked my marketing department was "how many home books do we want this year" and we decided NONE unless our sellers specifically request them.

You would be surprised how many people, when asked, don't really want or need the paper trail that we leave behind. All of our marketing materials are on-line, easy to find - and printable if someone wants to carry them around on paper.

Little changes, big results!