Sunday, November 23, 2008

Green cleaning products

I've been using these for a long time on my Albuquerque home and my cabin in Northern New Mexico.
Since i feed birds and wildlife I need something safe for both indoors and outdoors. Today I used the Red Juice on my outdoor fountain and it's looking like new.

These products are very economical and very effective.

Go see The Clean Team today.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What is new in Albuquerque real estate for Green living?

One bit of exciting news is that, on the Association level, we are moving towards approval of new MLS fields for green features. As the chairperson for the Policy Committee for the Southwest MLS, I can tell you that we had a long meeting incorporating suggested changes into the existing components of our MLS system to present to the next level of committee approval.

What this means for a buyer? It means if you are looking specifically for an Albuquerque Green home with GREEN features, you will be able to search for those specific features and/or a home that has GREEN features. Some of these are certifications for NEW homes, and some will be features that have been retrofitted into the home such as Energy Star® appliances, tankless water heaters, water conservation features, etc.

As a seller what this means is that you will be able to specifically market your property to the buyers looking for these particular features. It will also help appraisers to compare your property other green homes in order to ensure that you get the full value for your hard work in upgrading your Albuquerque home.