Monday, April 11, 2011

Easy Ways to Live Greener

Easy Ways to Live Greener

Here are some great ways (above link) to live greener in your Albuquerque home - simple and effective. Remember, it's not a big process to live greener. I have found that just carrying your own bags to the grocery can keep your garage cleaner while you live greener! The other day I was looking for some plastic bags to do some yard work; low and behold, no more plastic grocery bags!

I periodically go around the house and double check to make sure there are no unnecessary lights on; I'm thrilled when spring comes and I no longer am running cooling or heating; I use vinegar for all of my home cleaning...I hardly ever use paper towels, I use old bath towels cut up for my cleaning purposes and wash once a week.

Simple and effective ways to keep your Albuquerque home clean and green.

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