Friday, October 8, 2010

More solar news for Albuquerque homes

More news for Albuquerque in the solar innovation department!

In this article in today's New Mexico Business Journal, it is reported that Consolidated Solar Technologies LLC has two of the largest commercial photovoltaic projects in New Mexico - read it here  !

New Mexico is a natural for solar projects and it's always great to read about new companies and new innovations.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Companies spending green to build green, even in recession - New Mexico Business Weekly

Companies spending green to build green, even in recession - New Mexico Business Weekly

A great story about how 'building green' in New Mexico is surviving the ups and downs. New Mexico has always had a forward thinking approach to sustainable living, and it's getting even better with today's technology.

Enjoy the story and contact Linda DeVlieg's eTeam Real Estate Group for any information on Green Building and Green Homes - you can search for 'green built' homes on my site, as well as other custom searches. Enjoy your sustainable day!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Great new Green kitchen machine

I just had to share this great new Green kitchen machine.. It is a new machine to kae your own sparkling water in reusable more throwing away your bottles in the Albuquerque land fill or hauling bottles for's called a Sodastream machine

It does what it says and is a great addition to your green Albuquerque home

Thursday, July 29, 2010

NM Car Dealer goes Green!

Green homes for Green Cars!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Great green tips needed!

Getting back up to speed on my Green blog - what I would like to do is start collecting 'green tips' for living.

The green movement is really just practical living. It's what we used to do as I grew up in Indiana...don't throw away things, see if the livestock would eat it, or if you could use it to fix something else you used it, and save everything in case you need it later. (In an organized fashion of course, no hoarding here)

My tip today - is that I have always used plain white vinegar for almost every cleaning project in my house. I've always had lots of those big plastic bottles left over, but I just found another use for those - hang on....HANGING PLANTERS for those upside down herb gardens we've been hearing about.

Stay tuned for how to build them, but seriously it's so easy even a 5 year old could do it.

Please share your Green tips today!...

And if you have ever wanted to just search for 'green built' homes, here you - click here and enjoy! (don't waste gas, just search for homes here and then go see the one that really is exciting!)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Going Green at the office -

I received an email from our office manager today, asking to review our paper 'packages' so that we could eliminate unnecessary paperwork that we don't utilize.

This is a great thing to do on a monthly basis. Review everything that you carry paper for, and ask yourself 'is this really needed'. When I told her to eliminate all three of the items that she sent as examples her response was "great!"

If the question hadn't been asked, how much longer would we have continued to have these pieces of paper hanging around.

Another question that I asked my marketing department was "how many home books do we want this year" and we decided NONE unless our sellers specifically request them.

You would be surprised how many people, when asked, don't really want or need the paper trail that we leave behind. All of our marketing materials are on-line, easy to find - and printable if someone wants to carry them around on paper.

Little changes, big results!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Albuquerque real estate book

Here is a sample view of my co-authored book on how to sell your Albuquerque home - if you would like a free copy mailed to you, just let me know and I'll get it to you right away!

Thanks for checking it out - "Get The Best Deal When Selling Your Home", Albuquerque New Mexico edition

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cleaning -

Been going crazy getting ready for spring cleaning - my favorite topic - and my favorite cleaner....

good old fashioned VINEGAR. Vinegar and water, vinegar straight, vinegar...amazing cleaning and easy.